¡Joe Acaba, el hombre que ha puesto la bandera de Puerto Rico más alto sobre la tierra!
Joseph Michael "Joe" Acaba, Puerto Rican, Son of Hatillanos.
(Click on photo to enlarge. )
¡Bienvenido a Puerto Rico Joe!
Welcome to Puerto Rico Joe!
Joe llego a la Isla de Puerto Rico (6/2/09) donde la Isla de Puerto Rico lo recibo con grandes honores.
La Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico otorgará el Doctorado Honoris Causa en Ingeniería al primer astronauta puertorriqueño (3 de Junio/09).
Luego de su exitosa misión en el Discovery el astronauta puertorriqueño Joe Acabá visitará la Isla desde el lunes 1 de junio y vendrá acompañado por su compañero de misión el astronauta Steve Swanson. La visita se logra gracias a la invitación y gestión del Secretario de Estado Kenneth McClintok quien se mantuvo en conversaciones con la NASA desde comienzos de la misión. Durante su estadía el gobierno ha coordinado varias actividades con la intensión de que el público en general pueda compartir con el astronauta y además visitar varias universidades. Si usted desea compartir con Acabá, aquí puede ver la agenda preliminar de su visita.
Martes 2 de junio 10:00am- Visita oficial a la Mansión Ejecutiva, Acabá se reunirá con el Gobernador Luis Fortuño quien le entregará una proclama de felicitación.
Martes 2 de junio 7:00pm- Acto en el Departamento de Estado, Acabá entregará al Secretario de Estado Kenneth McClintok la bandera de Puerto Rico que llevó en el Discovery.
Miércoles 3 de junio 9:00am- Acabá y Swanson realizarán una conferencia sobre cambio climático en el teatro de la Universidad de Puerto Rico. La actividad estará abierta al público en general.
Miércoles 3 de junio 2:30pm - Acabá visitará el Parque de las Ciencias en Bayamón donde junto al Alcalde Ramón Luis Rivera, hijo inaugurará el nuevo Museo Espacial.
Miércoles 3 de junio 6:00pm- Acabá será recibido en la Universidad Politecnica donde se le otrogará un grado Honoris Causa.
Jueves 4 de junio 9:00am- Acabá será recibido por al Alcalde de San Juan Jorge Santini en las facilidades del Parque Central junto al grupo de jovenes del campamento del municipio.
Viernes 5 de junio 8:00am- Acabá partcipará en la ceremonia de graduación de la Universidad del Este del sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez en el Centro de Convenciones.
Viernes 5 de junio 2:00pm- Acabá y Swanson visitarán el Observatorio de Arecibo.
Cualquier cambio en la agenda será informado en esta página. Durante toda la semana Noticentro ofrecerá reportajes especiales sobre todos los eventos de la visita del astronauta Joe Acabá.
Joseph Michael "Joe" Acaba, Hijo de padres Hatillanos de P.R.. La familia Acaba son de Hatillo y Camuy.
Joe Acaba, (primo y amigo mío) un orgullo para Puerto Rico, de padres Hatillanos de Puerto Rico. Astronauta de la NASA. Leas para que veas.
Congratulations Joe!
After a
successful launch and a successful mission, Joe Acaba and his crew (Discovery
Space Craft) has safely landed on mother earth. Congratulations to Joe,
his crew, welcome back to mother earth Joe and crew.
Congratulations to Joe, crew and company (NASA), job well done, congratulations to all.
Joseph Michael "Joe" Acaba (born May 17, 1967) is a Puerto Rican-American teacher, hydrogeologist, and NASA astronaut.[1][2] In May 2004 he became the first person of Puerto Rican heritage to be named as a NASA astronaut candidate when he was selected as a member of NASA Astronaut Training Group 19.[3] He completed his training on February 10, 2006 and is currently assigned to STS-119, which is tentatively set to launch on December 4, 2008 to deliver the final set of solar arrays to the International Space Station.
Acaba's parents, Ralph and Elsie Acabá, from Hatillo, Puerto Rico, moved in the mid-1960s to Inglewood, California.[4] They later moved to Anaheim in the same state. [5] Since his childhood, Acaba enjoyed reading, especially science fiction. In school, he excelled in both science and math. As a child, his parents constantly exposed him to educational films, but it was the 8-mm film showing astronaut Neil Armstrong's Moon landing which really intrigued him about outer space. During his senior year in high school, Acaba became interested in scuba diving and became a certified scuba diver through a job training program at his school. This experience inspired him to further his academic education in the field of geology.[6] In 1985, he graduated with honors from Esperanza High School in Anaheim.[7]
In 1990, Acaba received his Bachelor's degree in Geology from the University of California - Santa Barbara and in 1992, he earned his Master's degree in Geology from the University of Arizona. Acaba was a Sergeant in the United States Marine Corps Reserves where he served for six years. He also worked as a hydrogeologist in Los Angeles, California. Acaba spent two years in the United States Peace Corps and trained over 300 teachers in the Dominican Republic in modern teaching methodologies. He then served as Island Manager of the Caribbean Marine Research at Lee Stocking Island in the Exumas, Bahamas. Upon his return to the U.S., Acaba moved to Florida where he became Shoreline Revegetation Coordinator in Vero Beach. Acaba taught one year of science and math in high school and four years at the Dunnellon Middle School.[8]
On May 6, 2004, Acaba and ten other people where selected from 99 applicants by NASA as astronaut candidates. NASA's administrator, Sean O'Keefe, in the presence of John Glenn, announced the members of the "19th group of Astronaut Candidates", an event which hasn't been repeated since 1958 when the original group of astronauts was presented to the world. Acaba, who is an Educator Mission Specialist, completed his astronaut training on February 10, 2006 along with the other ten Astronaut Candidates.[9][10] Upon completion of his training, Acaba was assigned to the Hardware Integration Team in the International Space Station branch, working technical issues with European Space Agency (ESA) hardware.[1][11]
Acaba is assigned to the crew of STS-119 as Mission Specialist Educator, tentatively scheduled to launch on December 4, 2008 to deliver the final set of solar arrays to the International Space Station.[12]
*(Ref; Jospeh M. Acaba, Wikipedia,) a; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/cite_note-6#cite_note-6
solo es Joseph Acaba el primer astronauta de origen boricua, también Joseph
Acaba (astronauta) es el primer disc jockey del espacio.
Acaba estuve 4 meses en el espacio en la Estación Espacial Internacional y
mientras estaba en la Estación Espacial fue el primer disc jockey del espacio
para una estación de radio de rock. Joseph
Acaba regresó a la Tierra a las 10:53 de la noche del domingo 17 de Septiembre
anuncio del Show de disk jockey de Joe en la Estacion Espacial Internacional; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpplvjBK7do
noticias del regreso a la tierra; http://www.notiuno.com/2012/09/joseph-acaba-regresa-exitosamente-a-la-tierra-vea-foto/